Friday, March 28, 2008

something in the doing

sometimes it's fun not to think and just to do. this doesn't mean anything. i could make a up a lot of meanings considering red riding hood is riddled with symbolism..but not right now.
i can't draw wolves at all, and if i really sat down and worked this is would be pretty bitchin maybe.
i drew the sketch a couple of days a go..and let it sit, and last night i just decided to get it done. and here it is.


Thursday, March 27, 2008

watercolour giraffe

i'm pleased with it. but it's easy to just make something looks like itself. i want to do more. it's nice to just kinda do it and let it be

new sketchbook

i finally got around to sloppily binding a new book for myself... now if only could force myself to draw in it more...

another mediocre drawing of john. i can doodle him pretty well, but i need to actualy look and figure out how to really draw him. based on the bizarre fantasies of rejection i've been having. i used Of Montreal lyrics to make it not sad.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

schoolwork and other things

a twist on the song "don't go breaking my heart" by elton johm. watercolour mixed media for my interp class

warhol relief caricature. this picture is bad, i need to try and take a better one. paper mache', gesso, acrylic and acetate glasses

jeremy stock of the NCN. watercolour and ink

Monday, March 10, 2008

sketchbook stuff

just some more sketchbook stuff. animals, comics about john and girls. that's what i'm all about. that and trying not to totally blow at marker rendering.

shit i need to draw more.