Fan expo Re-cap!
This event was GANGBUSTERS for me. Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by, said hi and supported what I do. I love to create so much, it's only ever been about making enough to continue making the things I love...and it's been hard. Not all the events are worth it. Let me tell you thought I never felt so alive then I did sitting behind that table watching things fly away from my table to happy new owners.
I've been in a rut pretty bad over the summer but this helped a bit.
To all you newcomers who I told to find my blog because I am a lame-ass without a website, welcome, thanks for seeing me at the Fan Expo and I hope you really enjoyed it as much as I did.
Friday and Saturday were crazy that started with seeing sweet old Stan Lee being wheeled by in a wheel chair before the convention opened and ended with rumours of how hideously overcrowded the damn Fan Expo staff let it get on Saturday.
My Lockemonster print got more attention than I ever thought it would. I only had 4 copies to sell (having sold 4 TOTAL between two conventions) and never thought I'd have to restock....they were all gone before the end of Friday. So at 2am I'm ordering more from Staples and begging a friend to bring them to the convention for me.
By the time they arrived to my table the Ackbar print had been sold out for over and hour....THEY SOLD OUT BY 3PM on Saturday!!! I was blown away...and felt like a fool for not ordering more, I could have sold twice as many.
Don't worry friends, as soon as I find a good printer in town I will restock and offer them online when my etsy store reopens. I was selling 8.5x11 prints at the con for easy framing, but would anyone want an 11x17 poster?
Thank you to the one guy who bought the Mermaid print. I didn't think it would sell like the other two...but i thought I would get rid of at least 5 of them. My hat off to that man, thanks for liking boobies sir.
There will definitely be more Lost and more Star Wars art in the future, so keep an eye out.
The conventon was so exhausting that I came home and went to bed for 2 days. Then I went to Maryland and drew caricatures at my cousins wedding. I just got back Tuesday and have been busting my hump to try and regain the stock I sold in prep for the Kerrytown Bookfest that I will be at all dau Sunday (the 12th) in Ann Arbor, STOP BY!
So I guess I'll stop boring you with with this non-art update. as soon as this bookfest is over I will be offering extreme prices on personal commissions and will start selling any and all art I have produced. So look through the archives and see what you might like. If it's not in a sketchbook and I still have it, it's for sale! (momma needs a new computer)